Thursday, May 13, 2010

For Reasons Why Women Break up with Men

There are four reasons why women dump men. Even with just one of these issues in the relationship, a split will eventually occur. We will examine the four big causes so that you will be able to take a look at your own relationship and determine if it is in danger.

The first thing is control, which can be the result of either the man or the woman. When a woman or man has an issue with control, they will unknowingly drive their partner away from them, even when things are pretty good otherwise. Women specifically like being independent in this day and age, so give her some time to herself from time to time. However women will need some occasional space; you just don’t need to be there breathing down her neck all the time. Like going out with some of her female friends to go shopping for shoes at the mall. These sorts of things are basically just a means that allows women to relax and get rid of some stress.

The next reason is jealousy. There is nothing more likely to spoil a relationship quicker than a jealous man tracking his girlfriend to always know where she is and what she is doing. Jealousy is a very serious issue which must be controlled. A woman's love will fade with eruptions of jealousy. The man is doubting her love and faithfulness, even if there is no cause when he lets jealousy get the best of him. When the man slips and lets outbursts of jealousy come out, he is eroding the relationship.

The next thing is that women do not want a man that is not strong, as women tend to like confident men that take initiative. Women are searching for a man that can take charge situations and not someone that is needy and always expects someone else to step up and take care of things. A woman wants someone that is protective and that she can count on to stand up for her. So start to make some decisions, stand up for yourself, and be assertive.

The last thing is that no one likes to live with a bum. A woman seeks protection and needs the comfort of being secure and that her man is able to provide for her. You can’t just expect your woman to stay by your side if you don’t have any substantial goals or aspirations with your life. Try to find something in life that really excites you and focus on that. Get clear about your values and live your life in accordance with them. Have you ever noticed how women just seem to be uncontrollably attracted to men that have a goal or a quest for themselves? A woman likes to tell everyone about how exciting her man is and how he makes her feel. This won’t happen if you just watch TV all day.

If you can control these four things in your relationship, you will have a long stable relationship with any woman. When you have any of the four characteristics above you will probably find it to be extremely challenging to find a solid and stable relationship.

If this information helped you understand your relationship, you might also want to check out why women dump men and why gals breakup with guys.

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