Friday, May 7, 2010

Make Your Relationship Flourish

If you're reading this, you're probably either in a relationship that you'd really like to make successful, or you’re just starting to get involved with someone and you want to know what to do, as the relationship grows, to help make it strong. The main thing to be aware of is that one person cannot make a relationship work - it needs the effort and commitment of both. Relationships can't grow with the effort of just one partner - when that's the case, count on seeing the relationship dissolve shortly. Don't forget - it takes two to tango! The tips here will guide you in setting a good solid foundation for your relationship.

Don't lie

The first essential foundation of any relationship is honesty. People in a relationship share their innermost thoughts and feelings with each other, but how can you do that if your partner lies and cannot be trusted? Lying to your partner gets complicated - you've got to keep the particulars straight in your head about what truths you've shared, and what lies you've told. If you tell her, for instance, that you like a certain author because you know she likes him, and then she hears you tell someone else you cannot stand that author, she's going to be hurt and frustrated that you lied. It's easy - lies are like wedges you intentionally put between you to keep you apart. Nobody wants to get close to someone who can't be trusted to tell the truth, because how can they be trusted in any other area? So every lie that's told helps keep you separate.

Attend to integrity issues

Integrity is trustworthiness. Of course, when you lie you damage your integrity, but you also hurt it when you make commitments and don't live up to them. Your integrity is mirrored in your actions every day, and how those actions match your words. Don't think that just attending to the major commitments you make will make people think you've got integrity. If you display poor integrity in minor issues, sooner or later you're going to jeopardize the relationship because she's going to wonder if you can be trusted with something as important as her heart. The faith that's so important to a relationship doesn't just spring up - it's nurtured by your constant attention to keeping your commitments large and small. As you keep on doing this as time goes on, she will trust you more and more and the two of you will grow ever closer.

Communication is key

Part of the "work" of making a relationship flourish is paying attention to your partner even when you'd rather be doing something else. Men expect their women to listen to them when they're talking. Why, then, is it so difficult for men to give their women the same respect? When she's talking to you, pay attention! She may be upset about what she's telling you, but don't get excited - remain collected, but if it's appropriate, comfort her.

Don't be excitable or easily flustered

Fights and arguments arise when there are conflicts between you. It's up to you whether your going to use these as chances to settle your differences and grow stronger, or defeat her no matter what just to prove that you're better than she is, and that you're always right. That's a good way to get her to start looking for someone who doesn't have to win every disagreement. If your only goal is to win an argument instead of solve a problem, the relationship won't grow, it'll shrivel up and die. When you have disputes, use the opportunity to understand her better. The relationship will be strengthened and you'll both have greater respect for each other.

Finally, make sure you always remind her how important she is to you and how much you love her. When she spends time making herself especially ravishing for you, make sure you express your appreciation - genuinely! As long as she knows that she's loved and appreciated, she'll want to keep on making her contributions to the relationship, and she'll never want to leave it!

If you found this article helpful and would like to learn more ways to improve your relationship, check out How to Make Your Relationship Work and Relationship Rescue Plan.

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